The 12th European Combustion Meeting (ECM) will follow a similar format as previous ECMs, where the conference revolves around five plenary lectures and five poster sessions. Each poster will require participants to submit a poster abstract and ECM manuscript.
Abstract: The abstract submission deadline is 30th December 2024. To abstract information and submission, please see Abstract Submission within the main menu. Authors will be notified in January 2025 regarding submission acceptance.
ECM Track Manuscript: Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to prepare a full manuscript. The format of the manuscript will adhere to the same format as manuscripts submitted to the ECM-PROCI Track. This format follows the guidelines of the International Combustion Symposium, allowing for 8 pages in length. It is recognized that this 8-page format deviates from the previous 6-page ECM manuscript formats, however, in order to not cause confusion, a single format will be adopted for ECM 2025. Authors are welcome to submit a manuscript less than 8 pages. MS Word and LaTex templates for manuscripts are provided below. The deadline for ECM Track manuscript submission is 3rd March 2025 (same deadline as the manuscripts for the ECM-PROCI Track). ECM Track papers will follow the normal non-peer reviewed process; papers will not be published, but will be made available to participants to facilitate poster discussions.